Web Testing Challenges Testers Will Encounter in 2020

With the introduction of the agile methodology and transformation into the digital world, the software development lifecycle is changing rapidly and increasing the need for better software testing capabilities. And software testing is being forced to be reinvented every day due to the introduction of new technologies like artificial intelligence, virtualization, and predictive analysis. This disruption in development flow and high demand for testing raises many challenges for software testers who test a website or web application. In 2019, we are expecting a lot of new changes in the web and this further poses a challenge in the software testing cycle. Let’s have a look on major challenges that testers might face in testing in 2020. Adoption of Agile and DevOps Agile analyzing and DevOps have come to be the important drivers for progress from the software analyzing the marketplace. According to a market research analyst, the global computer software marke...