Web Application Testing Guide

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Web Application Testing Guide

This web testing guide explains the key differences between desktop and web testing introduce key concepts in web application development explores the web application testing techniques and provides links to additional resources. When reading this guide, it is helpful to be familiar with the general application testing concepts introduced in the Ranorex Beginner’s Guide for User Interface Testing.

What is web application testing?

Web testing verifies that a web application has the right functionality and design to deliver great user experience, with the performance and security that users expect. As the name implies, a web application runs in a web browser, rather than being installed on a user’s device. This approach has several advantages for developers.

Web applications run any device that can access the Internet, including desktop computers, tablets, and mobile phones. When the application is updated, new features or other changes are immediately available to users: it is not necessary to download or install an update. The table below shows how a typical web application compares with other types of applications.

How does web testing contrast with work area application testing?

Useful testing

Useful testing guarantees that the application does what it should do, as characterized by client prerequisites or potentially acknowledgment criteria.

For instance, user testing of a financial application would incorporate tests for the most widely recognized use cases, for example, the capacity of a client to sign on, see their record equalization and ongoing exchanges, pay a bill on the web and print their announcement.

With regards to confirming the usefulness of a UI, there is little contrast between testing an electronic application and a work area application.

Cross-program similarity testing

Web applications must be good with every single well-known program. In cross-program testing, an analyzer runs a similar arrangement of useful tests for each prominent program to guarantee that the application acts reliably. Since cross-program testing includes rehashing a similar experiment, computerizing these tests can spare significant testing time and give a decent rate of return.

Responsive structure testing

A web application must be receptive to the shifting screen sizes and introductions of work stations, tablets, and cell phones. Allude to the Ranorex Beginner's Guide for Mobile Application Testing for more data about testing web applications on cell phones.

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Treat testing

Work area applications have a "state," implying that they approach past client activities, for example, catch snaps or structure sections. In any case, HTML pages in a web application are stateless, and rather, utilize little information documents called "treats" to keep up the session state. In this manner, a significant piece of web application testing is checking the security and appropriate working of treats.

Execution testing

While a work area application for the most part has a solitary client, a web application may have hundreds or thousands of clients. Real e-retailers have a great many clients. Also, web applications may encounter extraordinary spikes in use because of occasions, for example, new item discharges, exceptional limits, and Christmas shopping. Burden testing guarantees that the web application can deal with ordinary volumes, while stress testing confirms the capacity of the application to react to outrageous cases.

Security testing

Web applications are powerless against a variety of assaults, making security testing fundamental.


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