Why is Selenium Automation Testing is the Most Widely Used Test Automation Tool?

The agile process evolution in the software development process strengthens the overall software development time, time-to-delivery, time-to-market and eventually reducing developmental expenses. To assure quality and effectiveness in the testing process, the need for automation testing tools has expanded dramatically. Of the several automation testing tools accessible, Selenium is one of the most widely utilized to test web applications.

What is Selenium?

Selenium is an open source web application testing tool. The Selenium automation testing framework employs a default test domain language as “Selenese” for composing test scripts; it also helps the testers in writing the test scripts. This framework contains a different stack of software test automation tools, each having different functionality that is application or project explicit. 

Why pick Selenium Automation Testing Over Other Automation Testing Tools? 

Selenium supports testers to compose content in one programming language and run (re-use) same test contents on different program stages. WebDriver is winding up some portion of the W3C standard for all programs and in this way creating programs which will consequently bolster Selenium. 

The exciting part of this test computerization device is it use analyzers in testing UI modules, offers a vast arrangement of alternatives to experiment, look at the outcomes lastly check on the off chance that they agree to the regular application conduct or not. 

While there are numerous advantages Selenium offers, here are a portion of the significant benefits that Selenium brings: 

Straightforwardness: Ensures dexterity and straightforwardness over the cross-utilitarian groups of SDLC process (designers, quality confirmation, activities, customers and the administration). 

Stage Independent: Avoids the product analyzer's time recorded as a hard copy test contents for every stage to be tried. As it pursues the standard of keeping in touch with one test content and keeps running on any stage. 

Stimulates TTM and TTD: For the situation of manual testing, the testing is a horrifying and unsure procedure given which the item conveyance and time to advertise plans are missed. This builds the expense of the general task. In any case, Selenium automation testing keeps away from analyzers to compose a test content for every stage. This, like this, spares time and furthermore dodges relapse testing process. This improves testing time and revives the TTM and TTD. 

Encourages Continuous Integration Efforts: Continuous Integration and nonstop conveyance are the cutting edge lithe empowering agents of the product advancement process. Selenium via mechanizing the general test procedure can go about as an impetus to the supports the endeavors of associations in the fruitful execution of Continuous Integration (CI) practice. (Figure out how CI can spare the QA endeavors here) 

Permeability in End-to-End Testing: For the situation of start to finish applications testing selenium offers incredible permeability. 

Image result for selenium testing

Lessens Turnaround Time: Selenium structure encourages the testing groups to run the numerous experiments parallelly on multi-program stages naturally. This reduces the turnaround time by guaranteeing extraordinary testing quality. 

Coordination With Other Tools: Selenium with Java is famous as the remainder of the open containers like ExtentReports, Sikuli, Appium, etc. Selenium tool gives adaptability to analyzers to get coordinated with these containers to stretch out its functionalities to new wildernesses: 

Selenium joining with "ExtentReports" can produce charts and reports, which can be utilized to give further bits of knowledge on testing status to the customers. Incorporating Selenium with "Sikuli" can test web applications including recordings and Images. Testing of web applications on Android or iOS stages can be accomplished by coordinating Selenium with Appium.


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